
The thoughts of a furry developer

Welcome to my (currently) very simple blog. I will post my random thoughts here, hence the name.

This blog is powered by Aya. A simple custom-built markdown blogging software. The name Aya comes from the Touhou character, Aya, whose name means "writing" and who works as a reporter. The design of Aya is very inspired by osk's blog. Aya doesn't currently have a comments or rating system, however I will add that sometime in the future. There is also no RSS feed, but that will also probably be added.

I started working on Aya after having difficulties on Reimu. Reimu is supposed to be an npm module to make real-time communication between the browser and the server fast, easy, and reliable using uWebSockets.js. It was going pretty well until I was having problems with it and it was getting somewhat hard to debug. Instead of solving the problem, I decided to just make Aya.

That's all I have for now, see you next time!